Ankieta "Dostęp naczyniowy w onkologii i onkohematologii."
Ankieta jest dostępna również w języku polskim:
Dear Members of the Polish Society of Clinical Oncology,
we would like to invite you to collaborate in a novel initiative that would aim to analyse the proper choice of vascular access devices in cancer patients, identify critical points to increase opportunities for improvement in terms of the prevention and management of possible adverse events and to improve cancer patients’ outcomes and quality of life in European Hospitals.
During the past months, a multidisciplinary European Advisory Board comprising of four Oncology Experts has been developing a brief European-wide survey directed at Healthcare Professionals in the field of oncology.
Advisory board members:
- Prof. Susanne Cruickshank PhD, RGN, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
- Prof. Thomas Decaens MD PhD, University Grenoble Alpes, France
- Grażyna Suchodolska MSc RN, University Clinical Centre, Gdansk, Poland
- Prof. Bruno Vincenzi MD PhD, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy
The purpose of this survey is to provide the board members with invaluable insight into multidisciplinary approaches to vascular access management during systemic anticancer therapy within Healthcare Organisations in Europe and to establish their impact in reducing complication rates and improving patient-centred care.
The findings of this survey and further research will eventually be used to inform the development of a paper for peer-review. The results would be available to all members of your association.
Ankieta jest dostępna również w języku polskim:
Wystarczy wybrać język ankiety z rozwijalnej listy umieszczonej w prawym, górnym rogu strony internetowej zawierającej ankietę.
The next 100 respondents to complete the survey will be eligible for a €20 Amazon voucher following completion of the survey, please leave your email address if you wish to receive this voucher.
This project is funded by Becton Dickinson (BD) but driven by the passion and expertise of the Board Members. This survey has been specifically designed for scientific use and there are no commercial questions relating to BD. If you have any questions regarding the survey and its dissemination, please contact the Scientific Content Director at Cogora, Dr Theresa Saklatvala, at Kliknij, aby zobaczyć adres email.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions for clarification.
Best regards,