Opublikowany: 02/07/2024

Sprawozdanie stypendysty Funduszu Stypendialnego Młodych Onkologów.


W dniach 26-29 czerwca 2024 w Monachium odbyła się konferencja ESMO Gastrointestinal Cancers Congress 2024 o nowościach w zakresie leczenia pacjentów z nowotworami przewodu pokarmowego.

W wydarzeniu udział wzięło dwoje lekarzy z Sekcji Młodych Onkologów PTOK
– lek. Małgorzata Osmola oraz lek. Stanisław Łącki-Zynzeling którzy mieli okazje zaprezentować swoje prace 

Mój wyjazd został sfinansowany ze środków Funduszu Stypendialnego dla Młodych Onkologów Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego (https://ptok.pl/regulamin-funduszu-stypendialnego-dla-mlodych-onkologow ), którego celem jest udzielenie wsparcia stypendialnego w rozwoju zawodowym i naukowym młodych onkologów.

Podczas kongresu, w sesji plakatowej, została przedstawiona praca, której jestem współautorką pt.: „Landscape of pancreatic squamous cell carcinoma: A Polish multicenter study”.  Streszczenie pracy zostało opublikowane w Annals of Oncology, Vol. 3,5 Supplement, S11, Published in issue: June, 2024 

Serdecznie zachęcamy młodych onkologów i onkolożki do korzystania z funduszu!

lek. Małgorzata Osmola

Mazowiecki Szpital Onkologiczny w Warszawie, al. „Solidarności” 10, 03-411 Warszawa


375P Landscape of pancreatic squamous cell carcinoma: A Polish multicenter study

M.N. Osmola, J. Kiszka, P.T. Wysocki, M. Gajda, J. Mituś, K. Pawlewicz, T. Matysiak Budnik


With the increasing global prevalence of pancreatic cancer, rare subtypes like squamous cell pancreatic carcinoma (SCPC) are also on the rise. SCPC is known for its aggressiveness and poor prognosis, even surpassing that of adenocarcinoma. Given no established treatment guidelines for SCPC, we aimed to retrospectively analyze the clinical presentation of SCPC, prevailing treatment modalities, and patients’ survival.


Retrospective analysis of SCPC patients treated in 5 oncological centers in Poland between 2004 and 2021. Inclusion criteria: at least one type of oncological treatment: chemotherapy or surgery. Exclusion criteria: diagnoses based on fine needle aspiration.


24 patients with SPPC were identified, and 19 met the inclusion criteria. The mean age of the patients was 61.22 ± 7.93 y (range 44 -71), and a slight male predominance (57.9%). Most SCPC were diagnosed at stage III (n=7, 36.8%), followed by stage IV (n=5, 26.3%), II (n=5, 26.3%), and I (n=2, 10.5%). Mixed histology was common, with a median percentage of squamous differentiation of 70% (range 5-100). Pure squamous histology was noted in 21% of patients (n=4). Most tumors were of grade 3 (n=11, 57.9%). The most frequent location of the primary tumor was the pancreatic tail (n=9, 47.4%), followed by the pancreatic body and head (n=5, 26.3%, for each location). 84.2% (n=16) of patients underwent surgical resection. Of them, 9 (57.8%) received adjuvant chemotherapy (FOLFIRINOX n=1; gemcitabine n=3; and chemoradiotherapy with 5-FU n=5). 81.2% (n=13) of patients who underwent surgery relapsed. 9 patients were referred to palliative chemotherapy: FOLFIRINOX n=1, gemcitabine-based regimens (monotherapy n=2; + nab-paclitaxel n=2; + cisplatin n=2) or FOLFOX n=2. The median number of chemotherapy lines was 1 (one patient received 3 lines). Median progression-free survival on the palliative treatment was 5.7 mo (range 0.4-12.7), while the median overall survival was 10.91 mo (range 1.2-21.4).


Our study provides insights into the clinical presentation, treatment patterns, and survival of SCPC patients, highlighting the need for further research and a standardized therapeutic approach in SCPC.